How To Get Baby To Sleep In Bassinet?

Newborns have irregular sleep patterns as it is. However, when it comes to how and where they sleep, it’s difficult to make up your mind. At this point, you might be wondering how to get the baby to sleep in the bassinet without being held?

To get the baby to sleep in the bassinet, you must train it. It’s like developing a new habit. So, when you’re holding the baby in your arms, and it’s half-awake and half-asleep, place it in the bassinet gently. Do it every night at the same time until you establish the habit.

You’re probably doing it wrong. So, keep reading to discover how to get the baby to sleep in the bassinet.

Baby To Sleep In Bassinet


How To Get Baby To Sleep In Bassinet Instead Of Arms?

Imagine spending a few hours under the sun during a hot day. You’re sweating, hot, and miserable. Finally, you return home and turn on the air conditioner. Instantly, the cold air kicks in and you feel so good. You may even feel sleepy as a result.

That’s exactly how your baby would feel when you put it in the bassinet. Your arms are so warm and comfortable, it’s easy for the baby to fall asleep. Once you put it in the cold bassinet, it wakes up and starts crying.

Maybe you can’t feel it, it feels like jumping in cold water after being so warm in your arms to the baby.

Make It Warm

Newborns are used to the warm feeling inside their mother’s womb. Suddenly, they’re thrown into a new world. They feel strange. There’s a lot of kicking and screaming.

You want to make the bassinet as warm as possible for the baby to get used to it.

Pet cats are perfect for this purpose. If you have a cat, let it warm the bassinet before you lay down the baby. Female cats have maternal instincts and can comfort the baby in the bassinet, too.

Teaching your baby to sleep in the bassinet will also make it easier to transition to a crib when the time comes.

Take Your Time

When you’re used to co-sleeping, the transition to a bassinet will be emotional. It’ll feel hard for you and the baby. However, it’s all about making it a habit while helping the baby feel warm at all times.

The best time to put the baby in the bassinet is that moment between waking and sleeping. It’s already hard to determine that exact moment to make a move, but try to make it at a specific time every night.

You want to make the bassinet warm so that the baby wouldn’t tell the difference between your arms and the bassinet.

Even after successfully putting the baby in the bassinet, which feels like a great achievement, it may wake up after a few minutes. It’s possible.

It’s also why you should start training the baby to sleep in the bassinet as early as possible.

Once the baby gets used to sleeping in the bassinet, it’ll be a common procedure.

Training The Baby

During the day, put the baby in the bassinet to let it feel more comfortable. Decorate the bassinet with a hanging toy to let the baby feel entertained.

When it’s time to sleep at night, the baby will feel familiar with the bassinet. And it’ll help make the transition a lot smoother.

Teaching The Baby How To Sleep

Newborns sleep in 1-2 hour intervals spread over 16 hours every day. They usually wake up when hungry or need a change.

As the baby grows up, it’ll sleep for longer intervals. The total hours of sleeping will also decrease. At 3-4 months old, babies sleep around 14 hours a day. However, they’ll get a few naps during the day.

Around 6-9 months, the baby gets closer to a normal sleep cycle. It’ll take fewer naps and sleep longer at night.

You should be working with your baby to develop a healthy bedtime routine. Again, start as early as possible because it’ll become a habit. It’s how you teach the baby to sleep at night while avoiding sleep troubles later.

There’s no need to be strict about establishing sleeping habits. Take it slow, make it predictable, and stay calm. For example, when the time comes to sleep, bathe the baby and read a story.

Somehow, your baby can pick up on your nervousness. When you’re irritated, you’ll transfer the feelings of tension to the baby. So, act natural.

Giving The Baby Safe Sleeping

Throughout the newborn sleep training, you must take some safety precautions to eliminate the danger of SIDS.

  • Put the baby on its back in the bassinet, never on its belly. Never in your bed.
  • Use a healthy mattress with fitting sheets in the bassinet.
  • Make sure the bassinet is comfortably warm.
  • When the baby learns to roll over, stop using swaddling and reduce unneeded layers of clothing.
  • The baby must sleep in the same room with you at least until they’re six months.
  • Remove the toys from the bassinet while the baby is sleeping.
  • Use a cordless pacifier to help the baby fall asleep (1 month and older)
  • Don’t smoke around the baby or the bassinet.
  • Breastfeed the baby.


Teaching the baby to sleep in the bassinet isn’t magic. It just takes some time to develop the habit. Patience is a virtue.

Everyone in the family can participate as long as they follow the necessary precautions.

Once the baby learns to love the bassinet, it’ll be easier for everyone to get the sleep they need. Don’t be quick to pick up the baby when it starts crying in the bassinet. Wait for a few minutes until they calm down.

It’s a good idea to get professional help from support groups or even enlist the help of a sleep consultant.

In conclusion, getting the baby to sleep in the bassinet is part of a mother’s job. Embrace the suck. Before long, it’ll be a sweet memory. By the time your baby grows up, you’ll realize there are far more challenges than sleeping in the bassinet.

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