Do You Cringe at the Thought of Asking for Funding for your Business?
I’ve interviewed a lot of entrepreneurs and one topic most of them don’t want to talk about publicly is money.
Whether it is how they got investors, how much money they’ve spent on their business or sales coming in; it is like pulling teeth to get them to open up.
I’m not going to get into the psychology of why this is because I’m obviously not a therapist.
BUUUT, most start-ups are not making money in the first 3 years and when they do, they are putting it back into their business to grow.
There is no shame in this … it is the reality for most yet we *feel* like we are not successful unless we show BIG growth, quickly.
Even if you start out using your own funds, at some point, you will likely need to ask investors for some major moolah.
Prepare for long term success by making sure you have the funds you need for the next 2 years so you can focus on your business and don’t have to constantly raise more money.
If just thinking about asking investors for money gives you a knot in your stomach, you’re gonna want to watch my interview with Emma Weisberg, Founder, Blinkbuggy where she give tips on how she raised $500k for her start-up.
I’ve also added a resource section on my site for Funding, Crowdfunding and Grants. Check them out!