Meet Entrepreneur Chris Pegula, Founder, DiaperDude
“Stay vigilant, stay focused, keep an open mind and ear to all of the advice you are given and follow your gut. Stay positive!”
What does your business offer?
We make lifestyle accessories brand that help young families to get from A to B in style. Men are equal partners in the journey of parenthood. Moms and Dads dig in together. Dads should be celebrated. Diaper Dude is inspired by fathers and reflects this philosophy in every product we design, develop and bring the market.
Young families, moms, dads and even grandparents who are looking for stylish functional products that not only serve a indispensable purpose but also are in line with the user’s style and product preferences.
Diaper Dude has built a very active and engaged community. We were lucky to create a product that in turn became a badge of honor (for dads) and in turn fostered a new dialogue about men’s roles in the care of their children and families.
What was your AHA moment?
Had a baby, young children
How has PR and Marketing helped your business?
We are in the midst of kicking off a lot of marketing activities since we have a full agenda that integrates our social innovation platform and new products. Stay tuned.
What’s your greatest success to date?
Creating a dialogue that is useful and has enabled our company to establish a social innovation platform that is about ensuring Futures Without Violence for our follow on generations. Our company entered into a strategic partnership with to support a program they have developed called Coaching Boys Into Men. It’s an amazing privilege and honor to be associated with such a dedicated group and to have Diaper Dude be a lifestyle brand with a compelling social agenda.
What’s been challenging and how did you overcome it?
Our philosophy is that challenges are not there to overcome, they are to present opportunities to grow and push your team to achieve greater, better.
See answer above : )
What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?
We are busy. We are activating our social channels with information on how to get involved, we are in the midst of developing video content the contains interviews with well known parents to discuss the challenges of parenting in the 21st century, I’m final editing my second book. A lot.
What are your best tips on managing family and business?
Balance is a constant challenge. I am a marathon runner in addition to being a hands on dad to a full household with 3 children, golden retriever and more. In a nutshell, you make it work.
What are your favorite tools and resources?
Smart people to provide guidance and invaluable advice.
If you could wave a magic wand right now, what would you wish for?
How much time do you have?
Where can readers go to learn more about you and your business?