Best Teething Necklaces

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best teething necklacesAt some point in your child’s development, they will begin teething. Some kids experience teething pain more than others and become extremely fussy and uncomfortable.

Finding relief for your child can cause you to spend hundreds on various types of teething toys.

By far, the most sanitary and easy teething option for your child is the teething necklace.

Here are 13 of the most popular teething necklaces we like:


Our Top Picks

Lofca Teething Necklace Baby Silicone Teether Nursing Necklace for Mom Safe Toys for Teeth
TUXEPOC Nursing Necklace for mom to wear Silicone Feeding teether Safe chew Beads for Babies Necklace bpa Teething Baby Calm Necklace (Black and White)
Chew Necklace, Sensory Chew Necklace Bundle for Kids with Teething, ADHD, Autism, Biting Needs, Oral Motor Chewy Teether, Silicone Necklace Made from Food Grade Silicone Safety, for Boys&Girls(4 PCS)
Lofca Teething Necklace Baby Silicone Teether Nursing Necklace for Mom Safe Toys for Teeth
TUXEPOC Nursing Necklace for mom to wear Silicone Feeding teether Safe chew Beads for Babies Necklace bpa Teething Baby Calm Necklace (Black and White)
Chew Necklace, Sensory Chew Necklace Bundle for Kids with Teething, ADHD, Autism, Biting Needs, Oral Motor Chewy Teether, Silicone Necklace Made from Food Grade Silicone Safety, for Boys&Girls(4 PCS)
Customer rating
  • This necklace has a variety of shapes and colors to keep your child occupied and stimulated.
  • The necklace can be washed in the dishwasher for the best clean.
  • There are individual knots between the beads to keep them on the string.
  • This necklace is better for women with longer hair, as the beads are further down on the string and are less likely to get caught in your hair.
  • This necklace reduces the risk of chocking as the pendant is larger than regular beads.
  • The necklace is very long, and easy for a child to play with from any height.
  • There are no beads around the neck for hair to get caught up and wrapped around.
  • The necklace can easily be cleaned in a dishwasher.
  • The beads are kept safely on the string, even if there is a break, because of the knots between the beading.
  • The back of the necklace is left bead-free so that your hair is not as easily caught in the beads.
  • The necklace can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher for ultimate sanitation.
Lofca Teething Necklace Baby Silicone Teether Nursing Necklace for Mom Safe Toys for Teeth
Lofca Teething Necklace Baby Silicone Teether Nursing Necklace for Mom Safe Toys for Teeth
Customer rating
  • This necklace has a variety of shapes and colors to keep your child occupied and stimulated.
  • The necklace can be washed in the dishwasher for the best clean.
  • There are individual knots between the beads to keep them on the string.
  • This necklace is better for women with longer hair, as the beads are further down on the string and are less likely to get caught in your hair.
TUXEPOC Nursing Necklace for mom to wear Silicone Feeding teether Safe chew Beads for Babies Necklace bpa Teething Baby Calm Necklace (Black and White)
TUXEPOC Nursing Necklace for mom to wear Silicone Feeding teether Safe chew Beads for Babies Necklace bpa Teething Baby Calm Necklace (Black and White)
Customer rating
  • This necklace reduces the risk of chocking as the pendant is larger than regular beads.
  • The necklace is very long, and easy for a child to play with from any height.
  • There are no beads around the neck for hair to get caught up and wrapped around.
  • The necklace can easily be cleaned in a dishwasher.
Chew Necklace, Sensory Chew Necklace Bundle for Kids with Teething, ADHD, Autism, Biting Needs, Oral Motor Chewy Teether, Silicone Necklace Made from Food Grade Silicone Safety, for Boys&Girls(4 PCS)
Chew Necklace, Sensory Chew Necklace Bundle for Kids with Teething, ADHD, Autism, Biting Needs, Oral Motor Chewy Teether, Silicone Necklace Made from Food Grade Silicone Safety, for Boys&Girls(4 PCS)
Customer rating
  • The beads are kept safely on the string, even if there is a break, because of the knots between the beading.
  • The back of the necklace is left bead-free so that your hair is not as easily caught in the beads.
  • The necklace can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher for ultimate sanitation.

*All product links in this article will take you to the latest prices on, scroll down for our in-depth reviews below.

The Teething Process

Just when you are finally feeling adjusted to your newborn and your changed life, a new stage begins. Somewhere between 3 to 7 months old, your baby will begin the uncomfortable and trying stage of teething according to KidsHealth.

Teething refers to the growing in of a baby’s teeth. This usually causes quite a large amount of discomfort for your child, as the teeth start breaking through the gum-line. This process is also accompanied by your child starting to chew on everything and anything that fits in their mouth.

The good news is, there is an end to the teething process. Most children will have all their teeth by the time they turn 3. While the average child starts the process around 4 months, some can start at 3, or even be born with a tooth or two already broken through.

The first teeth to grow in tend to be the incisors in the middle of their bottom gums. From there, the top central teeth grow in. Then the bottom teeth next in line grow, and second to last are the molars.

Once the molars are in, then your child’s eye teeth emerge. The rate and order your child’s teeth grow does not normally indicate a health concern, except if it is accompanied by a fever, or it takes longer than 3 years to grow in.

These teeth that have grown in are called your child’s baby teeth. They will only serve your child during their first few years. By the age of 6 or 7, they will begin losing those teeth. The teeth tend to fall out in the same order that they grew in.

When they fall out, they will be replaced by the child’s permanent adult teeth. In addition, they will have the added set of wisdom teeth.

The child’s teeth won’t loosen, unless the adult tooth is ready to come in and begins pushing on the baby tooth. This second growth process can last till your child is anywhere from 17 to 21 years old.

Teething Care

As your newborn’s first set of teeth come in, there are certain ways to ease the discomfort and prevent any type of additional pain or infection. Brushing your child’s teeth doesn’t have to wait till they have teeth. Your child’s gums can be washed with a clean washcloth or gauze. They can also be gently brushed with a soft toothbrush.

Once that first tooth appears, toothpaste can be added to the toothbrush.  Keep in mind, your child is still small and does not know the difference between toothpaste and food.

To prevent your child from swallowing a harmful amount of toothpaste, make sure to limit the amount used.  Once the child reaches an age where they are able to spit out the toothpaste, more can be used. Flossing can be added to the routine once the teeth start to touch.

When teeth aren’t brushed regularly,  tooth decay can begin. Even though these are just baby teeth, and will ultimately be replaced, tooth decay is still very serious.

If a baby tooth has tooth decay, it can cause it to fall out before the adult tooth is ready to replace it.  This will leave gaps in your child’s gums for long periods of time. The other teeth will then slowly begin shifting to fill those gaps. This causes the permanent teeth, in turn, to come in crooked.

Teething Pain Prevention

You will know your child has begun teething by a sudden increase in drool, their chewing of solid objects, their irritability, and of course the tender and slightly swollen gums.  The MayoClinic gives a few helpful hints on how to ease the pain that often accompanies the teething process.

Cold temperatures help ease the discomfort associated with teething. Though, if you use frozen objects, this could cause bruising. In addition, the contact with extreme temperatures such as extreme cold, can cause added harm to your child’s gums.

The recommendation is to use chilled teething toys, food, or wash clothes. Some teething toys are liquid-filled for the purpose of holding in the cold.

The risk with the liquid toys is having the plastic get damaged from the cooling process or chewing, in which case the liquid will begin to seep out. Wash clothes that are chilled do not hold this risk.

Hard foods can be comforting on the gums as well. Combing the hard food with the cold is a double comfort. Some examples are cucumber, peas, and carrots.

The risk with this method is that the food can get broken and pose a chocking hazard. A close eye needs to be kept on children who are gnawing on a cucumber.

Otherwise, the food can be cut into smaller pieces. Frozen peas are a great option as they are generally small enough to avoid chocking, but still provide the hardness and chill factor. This method is only for older children who are teething and should not be used if the child does not eat solid foods yet.

Keeping your child clean is very important during this time. They will be drooling a lot more than usual. Make sure you are consistently wiping away the drool as not to cause skin irritation or rashes from their face being left wet. Giving your child a drool bib can help make this process easier and more convenient.

Medications can be used in extreme cases to help relieve pain that is constant and interferes with their daily needs such as eating and sleeping.

The recommended medication to take is over-the-counter medicine such as Tylenol or ibuprofen. Try to avoid teething medication that contains Benzocaine as it has been known to have dangerous side effects.

Another medication with negative side effects is homeopathic teething gels and tablets. If you can avoid taking medication altogether and use some of the other methods, that is always the best choice. Otherwise, consult your doctor and use only what he prescribes or recommends in the way of teething relief.

Types of Teething Necklaces

Teething toys are toys and objects made with enough resistance to ease the pain of teething, without causing additional pain or bruising from being too hard.

Teething Rings

Often times, teething toys are small rings, or rubber toys that children hold and chew on. Unfortunately, those types of toys pose a sanitary risk. Young children like to throw things on the ground, and teething toys are no exception.

You may not always have the convenience of a sink or wipes to clean the toy each time they are tossed. Some places, such as city streets, may be nasty enough that you wouldn’t even have the desire to attempt to clean the toy once it was thrown.

Teething Necklaces

Teething necklaces eliminate this issue. A teething necklace would be like a regular necklace that is worn, except the beads or objects hanging on the string are safe and healthy for a child to chew on to help ease any teething discomfort.

This is a great way to have a teething toy always ready when they need it, without having to worry about when they drop it as it is always attached.

When choosing a teething necklace, there are a few cautions to keep in mind. The biggest decision factor in the necklace is what it is made of.

Always double check all the materials in the necklace, as your child will spend a considerable amount of time with it in their mouth. If the necklace has gone through FDA inspection or has any other stamp of safety on it, those should be your first choice.

The second consideration is the string. Last thing you want to happen is for the string to rip and the beads to fall off in your child’s mouth or their play area where your child can choke on them. This should not be an issue if you purchase a good quality necklace and check it regularly for frayed string.

When looking for a teething necklace, two main necklaces will come up. The first is the amber bead necklace for your baby and the second is a teething necklace for the mom, usually with silicone beads.

Amber Teething Necklace For Babies

Amber teething necklaces are becoming increasingly popular, especially among people who enjoy trying natural remedies. According to these necklaces are made to be worn by the baby, where the materials being in contact with your infants skin help sooth your child.

The warmth from your child’s skin is supposed to warm up the beads of the necklace. This will release an ingredient in the Amber that will relieve pain. The Amber is also supposed to help with drooling as it stimulates the thyroid gland. Lastly, it boosts the immune system, which then in turn helps reduce the swelling that may be caused by the teething process.

While this may seem to be too good to be true, scientists say it is. Yet, some parents still swear by these necklaces. But, there is yet no evidence to support these claims.

In addition, a child wearing a necklace poses a host of other risks. Anytime a child has something around their neck, strangulation is a possibility.

A child wearing a necklace needs to be in constant supervision. The parent needs to consistently be checking to make sure the necklace isn’t getting twisted or caught on the surroundings.

In addition, it needs to be taken off if the child will be left even for a moment. A child should definitely never be put down to sleep while still wearing a necklace.

Not only is there a risk of strangulation, but also of chocking. If a child has a necklace, they are in the most control of it. If it breaks, the child will have the opportunity to swallow the beads before a parents could notice or remove the child from the area.

With all these risks present, Amber necklaces have been highly cautioned against by many organizations and doctors including the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Teething Necklaces Worn By Mothers

The second, and safer option for teething necklaces are those worn by mothers. These necklaces are often times made of silicone beads. Companies try and make the beads both fashionable for a mother to pair with her outfit, as well as colorful to stimulate and attract the infant.

These beads not only give your child relief from teething pain, but also remove the risk of wearing regular jewelry. As your child is teething, they will have the habit of grabbing anything that attracts their attention, and putting it in their mouth.

Regular necklaces are chocking hazards for young children. This is why many mothers find themselves leaving off the accessories while they have a teething child.

The teething necklaces are safe for your child to put in their mouth, and can help accessorize your outfit. These are especially helpful for mothers who breast feed or baby carry, as their child spends additional time in reach of their mother’s jewelry.

This way, when you are out and about in public places, you can keep your child close and allow them to relieve their pain with your necklace, and when you are home or in a sanitary place, you can put your child down and give them a hand held teething toy without ever having to worry about what germs your child is putting in their mouth from teething toys that get tossed down in public places.

Best Teething Necklaces 

Here are 13 of the most popular teething necklaces for a mother to wear:

Mama & Little Silicone Baby Teething Necklace

MamaMama & Little Silicone Baby Teething NecklaceThe Mama & Little Silicone Baby Teething Necklace for Mom Olivia is a 15 inch long beaded necklace with rounded silicone beads all around.

The beads are in four different colors: gray, mind, tan, and brown. These colors give the necklace a beautiful, yet neutral appearance that can match many outfits you wear as a mother, while still providing the safety and comfort of a teething toy for your child.

The beads on the necklace are made from 100% food-grade silicone. This silicone is safe for your child to put in their mouth, without fear of harmful chemicals being ingested as it is a nonporous design which does not harbor the growth of bacteria.

When it comes time to clean the necklace, it is a breeze. This necklace is safe to wash in a dishwasher for a more thorough and sanitary clean, on the top rack, without hurting the look and use of the necklace.

The necklace includes a safety breakaway clasp. This helps to keep you from getting hurt from the necklace. It also prevents your hair from getting caught up in the clasp while your child is playing with the necklace.

The string that holds the necklace is more like a cord-like material to decrease the chances of breaking. The beads themselves are also very durable, so they cannot be chewed off the cord individually either.

Mama & Little creates beautiful teething jewelry and nursing necklaces. The Olivia design is one of their most popular necklaces for its safety and beautiful design. They guarantee their products are free from BPA, PVC, and Phthalates.


  • This necklace is very fashionable and can fit with many outfits.
  • The string is more of a cord and will not break as easily as a regular string.
  • The clasp is easy release so you wont get hurt from your child pulling on the necklace.
  • The necklace can be washed in the dishwasher.
  • There are no beads on the very back of the necklace, which prevents beads from catching and pulling on your hair if it is kept back.



  • The silicone beads tend to be stickier, which is not ideal for mothers who have long hair as it will stick get caught around the beads. The beads will also pick up lint and dust if left on the ground.
  • The beads are not separated by individual knots, which means if the necklace breaks, all the beads will come off the string at once.

This is a beautiful necklace with many colors. Best of all, the beads are completely safe for your child to put in their mouth. This necklace, though, is not recommended with mothers whose hair is longer than shoulder length, due hair sticking and wrapping around the beads.

Pearl Baby Teething Necklace-Made With 100% Food Grade Silicone Teething Beads

Pearl Baby Teething Necklace-Made With 100% Food Grade Silicone Teething BeadsTeething Necklace on AmazonThe Beabies FDA Silicone Nursing Teething Necklace for Mom and Bracelet for Baby is a great package with two options of teething jewelry.

The necklace is made from round, turquoise beads all the way around. It then clasps with an easy clasp at the back. The bracelet matches the necklace with the same round, turquoise beads. This gives the mom two jewelry options to wear for their child’s teething help.

The jewelry set both come with FDA approved, food grade silicone beads. They are free from BPA, PVA, Latex, rubber, and lead. In addition, the jewelry can be easily and safely washed in the dishwasher to keep them sanitary between uses.

The necklace is 30 inches in length. The bracelet is 6 millimeters. The set is also available in a gray color, if a mom wanted a more neutral option to the turquoise set.

Both color options are only available in solid colors. The beads themselves are kept on by the clasp, and are not knotted in between each bead.


  • The necklace can be placed in the freezer, in order to give your child a colder teething toy.
  • The two pack provides two jewelry options for more variety.
  • The necklace can be washed in the dishwasher for a more thorough clean.



  • The silicone tends to catch lint and the mother’s hair, especially if she has longer hair.
  • Some have found the silicone used in this necklace to be harder than others and hurt their baby’s gums.
  • This is a larger necklace, and can be overwhelming to wear as regular jewelry.
  • The back clasp is not as sturdy as some other necklaces.

For parents who may not always wear necklaces, this set is a great alternative. It gives you the option of wearing the bracelet or the necklace, both of which are made from the same safe silicone material. This is another necklace that is not ideal for mothers with longer hair.

Baltic Wonder Baltic Amber Necklace

Baltic Wonder Baltic Amber NecklaceBaltic Wonder Necklace on AmazonThe Baby Teething Necklace for Mom, Silicone Teething Beads is a fashionable option for mothers who want the necklace to blend more in with their outfit.

It is made from two strands of beads. Each strand is a different color. The strands are held together on one side by a beautiful, silicone rose the same color as the inner strand of beads.

This fashionable necklace comes in a couple different color combos to match nearly every outfit you may own. The colors available are black/cream, black/white, mint/cream, mint/gray, and gray/pearl. All are two strands and have one rose.

The beads are held on by a silk-like rope. There is a small knot that is supposed to hold the beads at the bottom of the string, but the knot is smaller and the beads still manage to slip up.

The beads are made from a BPA Free, phtalate-free, cadmium-free, lead-free, metal-free silicone. In addition, it meets the CPSIA, CE, and international standards of baby safety. The product comes with a lifetime guarantee.


  • The necklace is more fashionable than other options, and can fit with most outfits.
  • The necklace is dishwasher safe.
  • The beads do not go all the way around the necklace, which prevents your hair from getting caught as easily, if your hair is kept on your back.



  • The necklace is rather short, which means the baby needs to be lifted higher to have access, causing mom and baby to head-butt often.
  • The beads do not go all the way around the necklace, leaving a lot of string open for baby to get tangled in.
  • The beads can be slipped into the extra string, making it easier for a child to swallow the beads when in their mouths, despite still being on the necklace.
  • The rose flips over, and does not always lie flat.
  • The clasp is cheaper quality, and can break open easier than other necklaces.
  • The beads catch long hair and lint easily.

This necklace is definitely one of the more stylish options when it comes to teething necklaces. Unfortunately, this necklace also poses additional risks due to the longer string left exposed. If supervised properly, it can still be a great teething option for your infant.

Silicone Teething Necklace for Mom to Wear

Silicone Teething Necklace for Mom to WearSilicone Teething Necklace on AmazonThe Consider It Maid Silicone Teething Necklace for Mom to Wear is a long, turquoise teething necklace with a variety of shaped beads. In addition, this necklace comes with a free e-book  about how to be a successful working mom.

This necklace is made with 100% food grade silicone. It is free from BPA, Phthalates, lead, PVC, Latex, Metal, and Cadmium. It also meets the standards of the CPSIA, CE, and international Standards.

The necklace also has FDA approval. For extra safety, this necklace can be washed in the dishwasher between uses to keep it clean of bacteria and germs.

The necklace has two types of beads all the way around the string. There are small circular beads and larger oval beads for a variety of sensory stimulation for your child.

The necklace is a solid color. There are an amazing 21 vivid color options. This allows for you to purchase multiple necklaces to go with any outfit you may have.

The necklace easily closes with a breakaway clasp for the mother’s safety. The necklace is available as a 30 inch necklace or a 38 inch necklace for just a few dollars more. This allows each mom to choose the necklace length that would best work for her size and her child’s needs.


  • This necklace can safety be refrigerated to allow for you to cool it for your child.
  • There are a variety of beads for added stimulation for your child.
  • There are many color options to choose from when finding one that will go with your outfits.
  • The necklace is top shelf dishwasher safe for the most sanitary clean.
  • The beads are held on by a very thick chord, to prevent it from breaking as easily.
  • There are two length options, one of which is 38 inches long, which is longer than most teething necklaces.



  • The beads can get very sticky and catch your hair around them.
  • The clasp tends to break easily.

This necklace has many options when it comes to color and size. This makes it a very easy necklace to find just what you need. It is also one of the longer necklaces you will find. Just be cautious of the beads, as they are all the way around the back and can catch longer hair.

Chewbeads Jane Teething Necklace, 100 % Safe Silicone

Chewbeads Jane Teething Necklace, 100 % Safe SiliconeChewbeads Jane Teething Necklace on AmazonThe Chewbeads Jane Teething Necklace is made from 100% safe silicone, and comes with many color options that can be paired or worn on their own.

It is made from small, round beads that go all around the necklace and join at a safe, breakaway clasp for the safety of the mother. The variety of colors offer great visual stimulation, while still allowing the mother to be fashionable.

The necklace is made from 100% medical grade silicone. For additional safety, the necklace has knots in between each bead. This way, if the necklace happens to break, the other beads will stay on the string, away from your child to prevent chocking. The entire necklace is also dishwasher safe, so that it can be cleaned and sanitized properly between uses.

The necklace comes in 19 color options. The beads are small enough to look good if two necklaces are worn together for more color. And yet, they are large enough to look good if worn on their own. The necklace is around 30 inches long, and hangs down around 14 inches.


  • The necklace has knots between each bead for added safety.
  • There are many color options to choose from.



  • The beads go all the way around the necklace, which can catch your hair in the back easier.
  • The necklace isn’t very fashionable to most, and can look obviously like a teething necklace versus a regular part of your outfit.
  • The quality and look of the necklace does not match the higher price.

This is a safer option because of the individual knots, as well as a colorful option due to the wide variety of options. But when it comes to fashionable, this necklace doesn’t quite cut it. If you don’t mind wearing the necklace despite its look, then it is a good choice. But if you will end up taking it off often, at that point a hand held teething toy would have worked just as well and the necklace is not doing its job.

Chew Necklace, Sensory Chew Necklace Bundle for Kids with Teething

Chew Necklace, Sensory Chew Necklace Bundle for Kids with TeethingChew Necklace for Kids with TeethingThe Wear Tough Silicone Baby Teething Necklace for Mom to Wear is a beautiful necklace with multi-colored BPA-free beads in a variety of shapes.

It has food-grade and medical-grade silicone beads for the ultimate safety of your child. The necklace comes with a free e-book. The e-book is about teething and how to best care for your child, to help you give your child the best care as they go through the teething process.

The necklace comes in a variety of colors, both solid and multi-colored. There are fourteen color options and combinations available. The beads go most of the way around the necklace, with only the back being bead-free to keep your hair from getting stuck in the beads.

The necklace is then held together with a breakaway clasp. The beads are also in two shapes for more stimulation for your child. There are circular beads and oval beads.

Each bead is then separated with a knot to help keep the necklace safe if it breaks, as the knots prevent all the beads falling off. This colorful necklace is 32 inches long.

The beads on the necklace are non-toxic and free from BPA, PVA, Lead, Latex and many other dangerous chemicals. The necklace can be washed in the dishwasher for ultimate sanitation and cleanliness. The string is very thick and helps keep your child safe by preventing easy breaks in the string.


  • The beads are kept safely on the string, even if there is a break, because of the knots between the beading.
  • The back of the necklace is left bead-free so that your hair is not as easily caught in the beads.
  • The necklace can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher for ultimate sanitation.



  • The safety clasp can come undone sometimes a little easier than is practical.
  • The beads catch lint and hair easily.

This is a very safe, and fashionable option for teething necklaces. The variety in colors and beads makes this a very stimulating necklace for infants. Just be aware of how the clasp gets undone, and this can be a great teething necklace option.

TUXEPOC Baby Teething Necklace for Mom to Wear

TUXEPOC Baby Teething Necklace for Mom to WearTUXEPOC Baby Teething Necklace for Mom on AmazonThe Baby Teething Necklace for Mom to Wear is a long necklace with a single teething pendant on the end. The pendant is a fashionable donut shape, that can look great with any outfit without being an obvious teething necklace.

There are three color options for the pendant: pearl white, black, and teal. The necklace comes with a free guide to pain remedies. The box also includes a free set of breakaway clasps in case the original clasps are worn away.

The pendant provides a large object for your child to hold easily in their hand while they chew on it. In addition, the size of the pendant reduces the risk of chocking as it is small enough to fit in their mouth and chew, but large enough not to be swallowed.

The pendant is made from 100% BPA free silicone. It is also free from Phthalates, PVC, latex, rubber, lead, and many other harmful toxins. It also is free from any unpleasant tastes and smells. The necklace can be washed easily and thoroughly in the dishwasher for the best sanitation.


  • This necklace reduces the risk of chocking as the pendant is larger than regular beads.
  • The necklace is very long, and easy for a child to play with from any height.
  • There are no beads around the neck for hair to get caught up and wrapped around.
  • The necklace can easily be cleaned in a dishwasher.



  • There is a lot more string for your child to get tangled in.
  • There are not as many beads and colors to stimulate your child.

This is a great option for mothers who want just a simple necklace that can double as a teething necklace. This necklace also works well for mothers who have long hair, and keep their hair in front, as there are no silicone beads for your hair to get caught in.

Goodie Baby Audrey Silicone Teething Necklace for Mom to Wear

Goodie Baby Audrey Silicone Teething Necklace for Mom to WearGoodie Baby Audrey Silicone Teething Necklace on AmazonThe Goodie Baby Audrey Silicone Teething Necklace for Mom to Wear is a solid colored silicone necklace available in nine vivid colors.

The necklace is made from silicone beads that wrap around the neckline, with a gap in the string left across the back of the neck to avoid hair wrapping around the beads. The beads are small, round balls which are larger at the bottom, and smaller near the top.

The beads of the necklace are made from 100% pure food-grade silicone. The beads are non-toxic, anti-microbial, BPA-free, and Phthalates-free.

The necklace is then sealed with a breakaway safety clasp. The necklace hangs down 14 inches. The entire necklace is dishwasher safe, for the most sanitary clean. After the wash, the necklace quickly dries with its quick dry cord.

The individual beads are divided by knots to keep your baby safe if the cord was to break, as the beads will be prevented from all falling off.


  • The back of the necklace doesn’t have beads, which keeps your hair from catching in the necklace.
  • The necklace can be easily and thoroughly cleaned in the dishwasher.
  • There are nine color options available for a variety of choice.



  • The necklace is a solid color, with only one shape of beads which does not provide a lot of stimulation for your child.
  • The necklace is a very simple design, and may not pass as easily as a regular necklace as some other styles.

This is a very safe, and trendy necklace if you are wanting a more simple design to wear. There are some very vivid colors to choose from, but the necklace is only a solid color with a single shaped bead for limited stimulation. But this necklace still works well as a basic teething necklace.

BEBE by Me ‘Harper’ Hard + Soft + Cushy Beads All-in-1 Teething Necklace

BEBE by Me ‘Harper’ Hard + Soft + Cushy Beads All-in-1 Teething NecklaceBEBE by Me Teething Necklace on AmazonThe BEBE by Me ‘Harper’ Hard +. Soft + Cushy Beads All-in-1 Teething Necklace has two different small and large silicone beads as well as three different colors for ultimate stimulation for your child.

The necklace has a very fashionable appearance and comes in two beautiful color options.

This necklace has a unique look with its bead and color combination. The beads are strung on two different strings. The lower strand has five large twelve-sided beads, and four small round beads.

The smaller strand has seven round beads strung along it. Each bead is divided by a small knot, to keep the beads on the string if the necklace were to break.

The beads are made from high-end, Japanese standard food-grade silicone. It is free from toxins and BPA. Each bead is made at a different hardness, giving your child the choice of three different varieties of hard, soft, or cushy beads.

The necklace hangs down 15 inches. The necklace is fastened with a breakaway safety clasp.


  • This necklace has multiple hardnesses for a variety of stimulation for the little one.
  • This is a very fashionable necklace that does not scream teething necklace.
  • If your hair is longer, it will not get caught as easily as there is more string than beads.



  • There is quite a bit of string that your baby cannot chew.
  • The clasp comes apart very easily.
  • The two strings tend to tangle very easily.
  • The beads pick up lint and residue very easily.

This is a beautiful necklace option for teething babies. The best feature is the variety of hardnesses available for your child to chew on. The colors and differences in sizes also add to the stimulation.

You just need to be alright with not having beads all the way up, giving your child the opportunity to get caught up in the string. Otherwise, this is a beautiful, and safe option for a teething necklace.

Chew Necklace for Sensory Kids, Silicone Chewable Rose Beads Necklace for Girls

Chew Necklace for Sensory Kids, Silicone Chewable Rose Beads Necklace for GirlsChew Necklace for Kids on AmazonThe Tether-Rainbow Silicone Teething Nursing Necklace for Mom & Baby is a very colorful necklace made to attract and entertain your child. This necklace is not made to be a fashion accessory, but rather a stimulant for a young child through its vivid, rainbow colors.

The bright beading was specifically designed for brain stimulation. The visual effects of the contrasting colors are meant to help with the development of a young child.

The colors help your child focus while breast feeding. While this necklace isn’t ideal to wear everyday, it is a great stimulant while at home and breastfeeding.

The beads are made from 100% food-grade silicone. It is compliant with the FDA and the CPSIA. The silicone is free from BPA, PVC, Phthalates, Cadmium, Nitrosamines, Lead, and Latex.

For added safety, the entire necklace is dishwasher safe. It also has knots between each bead to keep the beads on the string if the string were to break. The necklace is sealed with a breakaway clasp for the mother’s safety.


  • This necklace is a great visual stimulant and attracts infants to it.
  • The necklaces has individual knots to keep the beads safely away from your child if the necklace breaks.
  • The necklace is dishwasher safe.



  • The necklace isn’t made to blend in with outfits as an accessory and worn out and about.
  • The beads go all the way around the necklace, which means your hair can get caught easily in the beading.
  • The necklace is cheaply made and has been known to break easily.

This is a great stimulant and teething necklace for your child if you did not want to wear any teething necklaces as regular necklaces. It is both useful and attractive to your child.

Perhaps, if you didn’t mind the rainbow design, it could also be worn around town, and be enjoyed by your child throughout the day as well.

BEBE by Me ‘Cosmopolitan’ Hard + Soft + Cushy Beads All-in-1 Teething Necklace

BEBE by Me ‘Cosmopolitan’ Hard + Soft + Cushy Beads All-in-1 Teething NecklaceBEBE by Me Cosmopolitan Teething Necklace on AmazonThe BEBE by Me ‘Cosmopolitan’ Hard + Soft + Cushy Beads All-in-1 Teething Necklace is a fashionable necklace with three different hardnesses of beads for a variety and added stimulation for your child.

Not only are the beads different hardnesses, but they are also different shapes and colors. This will keep your little one entertained and attracted to the necklace. Yet, even with the great attractiveness for your child, the necklace still easily passes as a regular accessory for mom.

The necklace is one long strand. On the end of the strand are seven different beads. Three are ovals, two are flat circles, and two are small spheres.

These beads are also different colors, which signify their hardness. There are neutral beads, hard beads, soft and chewy beads, and cushy beads. This allows your child their choice of comfort, as well as a variety in stimulation.

The beads are made from high-end Japanese standard food-grade silicone. The silicone is both BPA as well as toxin free. The necklace clasps with an easy breakaway clasp.

This clasp has been newly updated to be 3X stronger than their previous clasps in order to ensure your necklace stays on when it is supposed to, and only comes off when it needs to.


  • This necklace has a variety of hardnesses for the best stimulation and variety.
  • The beads come in a variety of colors and shapes to attract your little one.
  • The clasp is extra strong to prevent the necklace coming undone easily.
  • The beads are not near your hairline, which prevents your hair from getting tangled up in the beads.



  • The beads are not knotted off individually for extra security.
  • There are not beads all the way around to keep your child from playing with the string.

This is a beautiful, and fashionable teething necklace option with the added benefit of the variety of hardnesses. This would be a great choice, as long as you don’t mind the disadvantage of having much of your string exposed for your child to play with.

This necklace is also a great option for those with longer hair who have trouble with some of the other necklaces that have beads all the way up.


Silicone Teething Necklace for Mom Wear

Silicone Teething Necklace for Mom WearSilicone Teething Necklace on AmazonThe Silicone Teething Necklace for Mom Wear is a simple, solid color necklace with a variety of bead shapes for their child’s stimulation while teething.

The necklace comes in five different solid colors: beige, black, gray, green, and mint. These neutral colors can easily be paired with most outfits to be blended in as an accessory.

The necklace is made from food-grade silicone. It is non-toxic and free from BPA, latex, Phthalates, Lead, Cadmium, and PVC. The beads are strung all the way around the necklace. The necklace then closes with a safe, breakaway clasp for the mother’s safety.

The necklace has two types of beads. There are small, round beads and there are large, oval beads. This variety provides extra stimulation for your child.

The beads are separated by small knots to keep the beads in place in the event that the necklace may break. The cord is made from a soft silk. The necklace hangs 10 inches down on the mother’s neck. The entire necklaces passes the standards of the FDA.


  • The necklace has a variety of shapes to stimulate your child.
  • The necklace is available in multiple neutral colors to match nearly any outfit you may own.
  • There are knots between the beads for added safety.



  • This is one of the shorter necklaces and will be harder for your child to reach.
  • The necklace is only available in solid colors, which may not be as stimulating to your child.
  • The beads come all the way around the neckline, which tends to catch your hair, even if your hair is up.
  • The texture is very rubbery, which is not appealing to some children. This texture also catches your hair even more than regular silicone.

This is a simple necklace with some basic safety features such as the breakaway clasp and additional knots. This is also a great choice for those who are looking for a quiet, more neutral necklace option.

But the materials seem to be cheaper, and there are additional issues that need to be kept in mind when deciding if this necklace really is your best choice.

Baby Teething Necklace for Mom, Silicone Teething Beads

Baby Teething Necklace for Mom, Silicone Teething BeadsBaby Teething Necklace on AmazonThe Baby Teething Necklace for Mom, Silicone Teething Beads is a visually appealing and fashionable option with the added benefit of being colorful and textured for your child.

There are three differently shaped beads and colors adorning this accessory. The necklace also comes in four different, neutral color options for a stunning accessory for every outfit that is also a practical toy for your child.

The necklace is a great sensory teething toy for your child. There are three different bead options to keep them occupied. The first are the round beads, which come in a variety of sizes along the necklace.

The second are the two diamond beads along the side. The third are the three twelve sided stones on the front. Each shaped bead is also a different color.

The beads are separated by small knots to keep the beads safely on the string in the event that the necklace breaks. The back of the necklace, as well as some of the side is left empty of beads to avoid your hair getting caught. The back of the necklace is clasped in a safe breakaway clasp.

The beads of the necklace are CPSC and CPSIA certified. In addition, the entire necklace is FDA approved and meets the CE and international standards of baby safety.

The beads are made from a food-grade Silicone with multiple textures. The silicone is free from BPA, Phthalates, Cadmium, lead, and other metals. For added safety, the necklace can be easily washed and sanitized in the dishwasher for the most thorough cleaning.


  • This necklace has a variety of shapes and colors to keep your child occupied and stimulated.
  • The necklace can be washed in the dishwasher for the best clean.
  • There are individual knots between the beads to keep them on the string.
  • This necklace is better for women with longer hair, as the beads are further down on the string and are less likely to get caught in your hair.



  • The beads do not go all the way around, which leaves a lot of the string exposed to your child.
  • The silicone has been known to let off an odd taste.
  • Lint and hair tends to stick to the beads very easily.

This necklace offers a fashionable accessory for the mom while giving a variety of visual and textural stimulants for your baby. While the large amount of excess string may be off-putting to some mothers, it is a great option for others who have a harder time dealing with their hair getting caught in beads, as this necklace only has beads further down where the child has access.

The Winner

Teething necklaces are a fashion choice just as much as a safety choice. If you wouldn’t wear a necklace, then there is no point in even having it, even if it is perfectly safe and attractive to your child.

This is why, when picking teething necklaces, it is a matter of choosing one you like just as much as your child. The added difficulty of safety really limits which necklaces are the best choice.

This is why there is just one choice that would fit everyone’s needs. That is the Wear Tough Silicone Baby Teething Necklace for Mom to Wear.

This necklace offers an array of colors both solid and multi-colored to fit every mother’s fashion needs and taste. In addition, it offers a variety of bead shapes and sizes for your child’s stimulation.

It has beads all the way up, to keep your child free from excess string, yet leaves the back of your neck free from those silicone beads that catch up your hair. The silicone itself is safe for your child, and easy for you to clean. This necklace is truly a win-win situation for all involved.

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